1) Begin search in broadest terms first, like by 'CATEGORY' or by 'STATE / PROVINCE'. Why? If your search is too narrow to start with, you may come up with "no results".
2) Please note that ORGANIZATION searches are done by main words of the organization's name only, e.g., Life Dynamics (not Life Dynamics “, Inc.”) or Frederick Douglass Foundation (not “The” Frederick Douglass Foundation). Words like "A", "An" or "The" or like "Inc.", "LLC" or "LLP", etc., are neither necessary nor helpful when searching inTheChristianDirectory.Net directories. If you see too many results you can SEARCH AGAIN, narrowing your search.
3) If you find "No Results" in your area and are considering adding a listing with us, then consider this an opportunity.
How so? When others in your area do a search, once your listing is approved (see 'Terms of Use'), your listing will come up front and center.
After your "Search" yields the desired results,be sure to click on "DETAILS" to the far right of the listing(s) to see the full listing information. This feature is what sets our "Premier" listings apart from our "Basic" listings. See 'Advertising Options' for more.